It's hard to have faith in yourself.
Many of you have difficulty creating faith in yourself because of your memories of past failures and experiences. Old memories can become obstacles to new possibilities. When you let your past control the present and future you're inhibiting yourself and blocking your path to success and happiness. A client confessed the other day "I doubt my decisions far too often. I guess realizing this is the first step to me having faith in myself." It IS simple," she said, " but really scary." We're taught at an early age that if we're confident then we're arrogant.
Our time in school, for one example, tends to undermine what we learn at home, that we are good and valuable people. For most people it's during those school years that you're taught it isn't okay to be different, that you have to be a part of a group. Belief and faith in yourself isn't valued as important, belief and faith in the group is. By the time you leave high school you may have developed a sense that you are not as important as you originally thought.
Wanting to believe in yourself and realizing that you need to believe in yourself will get you going in the right direction. Facing your fear of failure and learning to not judge yourself will allow you to move closer to your goals and will create the confidence you need to do whatever you want. Developing faith in yourself is one of the first steps to personal success. Many years ago Michelangelo said it very well, "Faith in oneself is the best and safest course."