Torsdag - Summit Entertainment responds to departure of Rachelle Lefevre
We at Summit Entertainment are disappointed by Rachelle Lefevre's recent comments which attempt to make her career choices the fault of the Studio. Her decision to discuss her version of the scheduling challenges publicly has forced the Studio to set the record straight and correct the facts.
Ms. Lefevre's representatives were advised as early as April that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE was expected to start shooting in early August.
If Ms. Lefevre was, as she describes "passionate," about being part of THE TWILIGHT SAGA, we feel that she and her representatives would have included us in her decision to work on another film that would conflict with the shooting schedule of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
It was not until July 20th that Summit was first informed of Ms. Lefevre's commitment to BARNEY'S VERSION, a commitment we have since been advised she accepted in early June. Summit had acted in good faith that she would be available to fulfill her obligations both in terms of rehearsals and shooting availability for THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. We feel that her choice to withhold her scheduling conflict information from us can be viewed as a lack of cooperative spirit which affected the entire production.
Furthermore Ms. Lefevre took a role in the other film that places her in Europe during the required rehearsal time, and at least ten days of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE's principal photography. This period is essential for both rehearsal time with the cast, and for filming at key locations that are only available during the initial part of production.
Contrary to Ms. Lefevre's statement, it is simply untrue that the Studio dismissed her over a ten day overlap. It is not about a ten day overlap, but instead about the fact that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE is an ensemble production that has to accommodate the schedules of numerous actors while respecting the established creative vision of the filmmaker and most importantly the story.
The fact remains that Ms. Lefevre's commitment to the other project - which she chose to withhold from Summit until the last possible moment - makes her unfortunately unavailable to perform the role of Victoria in THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
--Summit Entertainment
En annan sida av händelsen:
Summit Entertainment once again has made a controversial decision regarding The Twilight Saga franchise. They have decided that Rachelle Lefevre will not be recast in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - and they did this without even consulting the actress first.
When this story first hit, Summit made it out to sound like a simple "scheduling conflict" and it seemed perfectly reasonable; after all, these things do happen. But to make this decision without even consulting the actress, that is beyond callous.
Summit wants to get all of the Twilight movies out as quickly as possible and if one of the cast is unavailable for shooting, it's reasonable the two parties would find a compromise, but Summit didn't go that route - instead, they quietly found a new actress, Bryce Dallas Howard, to take her place and then made the announcement.
In her own words, Rachelle is "hurt deeply by Summit's decision to move on without her." Clearly, this is as much news to her as it is to the rest of the world. She goes on to state that she had "turned down several film opportunities" and "only accepted roles with short shooting schedules."
This all boils down to a ten-day shooting schedule she had agreed to do for a small indie film called Barney's Version. It turns out that Summit wants to begin shooting on the same day that filming for the indie film is scheduled to begin. Here are some questions for you...
Couldn't they begin shooting without her? Eclipse will be filming for three months; ten days shouldn't make much of a difference! Quite frankly, can you see Summit making this decision if it were Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, or Taylor Lautner who had a ten day scheduling conflict? Couldn't Summit move the scheduling up ten days? Isn't it possible that Barney's Version could have been scheduled ten days prior? Bottom line, there were options that could have been explored, and from what Rachelle is saying, Summit didn't bother to try.
Rachelle goes on to state she "was happy with her contract with Summit" and that she was "fully prepared to continue to honor it." And in what I would have to say is the saddest statement of all, Rachelle continues with, "Summit chose simply to recast the part. I am greatly saddened that I will not get to complete my portrayal of Victoria for the Twilight audience."
Nooo, jag kan verkligen inte se Bryce Dallas Howard som Victoria.. Det blir nog långa röda lockar ändå, men det kommer att vara fel! Fattar inte hur Rachelle kan bytas ut i Eclipse, det är ju i den som Victoria har sin största roll och hon är verkligen en bra Victoria. Jag vet då en skådis dom hellre hade kunnat byta.. Men blir oftast så skumt när dom byter skådespelare mitt i en serie filmer. Eclipse kommer på bio i USA juni 2010. Får väl se då hur de blev helt enkelt. Men hoppas då att dom löser det och Rachelle stannar.